Thursday, 21 June 2012

A Baby Gift or Toy Can Be Fun and Educational

A baby gift can serve a lot of purposes, and one of those purposes is education. Children develop rapidly, and they learn quickly. One of the roles a parent assumes is as educator. Toys for a young infant is not just a plaything. It is an educational tool that provides an opportunity for a child to learn at his or her own pace.

Children, from the day they are born, are explorers. They use all of their senses to satisfy a hunger for learning. Give a child under two years old a toy and chances are it will be touched and tasted and then banged on the floor or table so there is sound. We tend to think of toys as merely a way to entertain children, but they are much more than that because children learn from everything that is made accessible.

That is why parents have wall hangings and infant mobiles around the crib. These give a child plenty of opportunity to look at colors, motion, shapes and designs. In other words, the child is learning. It is unfortunate that the word 'educational' seems to equate to the word 'uninteresting' in people's mind. Educational toys are merely toys that are designed to promote learning in a fun way.

Learning Styles